How a commercial is produced

Commercials are one of the best ways to generate attention for your company. Whether the film is about a product or service or the company's image, it will always benefit you.

You probably want to know how such a commercial is made. That is why we would like to show you in this article how a commercial is filmed and how it is designed.

First considerations


Before you can start shooting your commercial, you need to make some preliminary considerations together with the team. These include essential factors that will allow you to make your commercial really effective. In this phase the most important work of the commercial begins.

The preliminary considerations you need to make are, for example, who you want to target with the commercial, what you want to promote, and what reaction you want the viewer to have. All these factors determine how effective your commercial will be. 

For example, a commercial will only be effective if you know exactly which target audience you want to reach with the film. For example, it would not make sense to make a commercial for a young audience if your target audience is middle-aged.

You also need to determine what you want to promote. This also includes how you want to present the product, the service or your company. The presentation also depends on your target group. Therefore, you have to make sure that you can define your target group very precisely before you take care of the next steps.  

Last but not least, you need to know what reaction the commercial should trigger in the viewers. For example, the commercial can trigger joy, happiness, sadness, fear, hope, and many other things. Also in this step, you have to refer to your target group and to the advertising object. For example, it would not make sense to evoke a fearful reaction if you want to strengthen the image of your company. 

However, this is only part of the most important preliminary considerations you need to make. If you want to shoot a real commercial, you need to look at more factors and go into much more detail in your considerations.

Frank Dessous social media spot and image film

Video shoot


The actual video shoot implements the ideas from the preliminary considerations. For example, the video shoot properly stages the necessary extras or products to trigger the pre-determined reaction. Likewise, during the video shoot, care is taken to ensure that all factors are considered down to the smallest detail.

The most important thing in video shooting is that all the considerations are implemented in detail and that the production meets your quality standards. For example, you should make sure that the sound, the video quality and the acting are as good as possible.



At the end of these steps, you will have a finished commercial in front of you. This commercial will then meet your exact requirements and can be perfectly used by you to promote your business. 

A promotional film is one of the most effective ways to generate attention, as audiovisual means engage many of the viewers' senses and thus attract attention. You should never neglect the impact of a good promotional film.

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