The Video Marketing Funnel: How to reach your target audience with videos!

Are you already doing video marketing? If not, it's time!

66% of all marketing departments plan to maintain or increase their video budgets in 2022.

79% of all marketing departments that do not yet use video ads want to start in 2022. 

You see it, the best time to start with a Video Marketing Funnel was 5 years ago. The second best time is now. If you don't use video marketing, you'll lose market share eventually.

But why video?

Videos are booming! People are consuming them via social media and platforms like YouTube. All indications are that with the growth of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, the number of regular video consumers continues to rise. Nearly 69% of people consume video on the go, at home, at the office, or in between. 

While entertainment is at the forefront for many, the number of those who learn about video content and who use videos to inform themselves before making a potential consumer decision is also growing. That's why a competitive video marketing funnel is so important.

What is a video marketing funnel anyway?

A video marketing funnel helps guide your target audience through the entire customer's journey. The goal is to attract, inform, convert, and, if possible, retain prospects for the long term. All this with the help of appropriate and targeted videos. 

Similar to a content marketing funnel, a video's goal depends on the appropriate stage. For example, the topic of prospect acquisition. In the first step, videos are needed that deal with the customer's challenges and pick them up at the beginning of their journey. 

The success of such a video would be measured by the number of video views and engagement numbers. After all, the more helpful the content, the more views you're likely to get. How have the likes been trending? What questions have come up under the video?

Why reach your target audience with a video marketing funnel? 

Videos consist of images and sound. Two tools that allow to manipulate the emotional state of the viewer. This kind of steering allows to convey a unique brand message. Sound and music alone can influence people's mood. 

Maybe you know it, you are in the supermarket and suddenly you hear your favorite song. Probably you will feel good and put more in the shopping cart. It's a similar story with videos. The emotional response can influence the purchase decision more than the actual ad content. Studies have shown that a video is up to 10x more effective than an image - for the same message. People take in more visual information and audio changes their emotional state. The result is increased sales at lower advertising costs. 

Conclusion: Success with the Video Marketing Funnel

Emotions and feelings instead of hard facts. What the biggest companies have already understood early on, is now also penetrating into the broad economy and becoming a "must". Whoever wants to advertise in 2022 needs to also rely on video content, so that he remains competitive. 

Do you already have a plan for your video marketing funnel? But you still have questions about production? Get in touch with us. We're happy to help. 

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