Cost calculator for video production

Guide to the cost calculator for video productions

Project scope

  • Video length: Short (30-60 sec.), medium (1-3 min.) or long (3-10 min.).
  • Type: Explanatory video, commercial, social media or documentary.
  • Complexity: Simple (minimal editing), medium (graphics and transitions) or complex (animations, effects).

Project details

Production details

Post-production details

Tips and tricks for film budgeting

Plan ahead

Start with a clear definition of the project scope. Understand the purpose, length and complexity of the video and prioritize key expenses such as team, equipment and location. A well-structured plan will help you avoid unnecessary costs.

Obtain several offers

Contact multiple vendors for locations, equipment rentals and talent. A price comparison can reveal cost savings and ensure you get the best value for money.

Plan for reserves

Always reserve 10-15 % of your total budget for unforeseen expenses. This reserve can help you cope with last-minute changes, extra shooting days or unexpected fees without stress.

Use free resources

Explore cost-saving options such as using public locations, archival footage or working with volunteers or up-and-coming talent. These resources can help you achieve professional results without breaking your budget.

Optimize post-production

Plan your editing requirements in advance by defining transitions, effects and final outputs early on. This helps to minimize changes and additional editing costs.

Track your expenses

Use a budgeting tool or spreadsheet to monitor your spending in real time. Update your budget regularly to ensure you stay on track and avoid overspending.

Understand your target platform

Adapt the production quality to the distribution platform. High-quality equipment is often not required for social media videos, for example, while TV commercials require first-class quality.